حوار مع لينة بوطمطوم المتحصلة على معدل 18.22 في بكالوريا 2012
بعد موسم شاق اجتاز أكثر من 500 ألف تلميذ بكالوريا 2012 فمنهم من لم يوافقه الحظ و نتمنى لهم النجاح و التوفيق الموسم القادم ومنهم من نجح في اجتياز البكالوريا فهنيئا لهم لكن من بين الناجحين تميز 64 تلميذ بحصولهم على معدل يفوق 18 واحدة من أبرز هؤلاء التلاميذ هي لينة بوطمطوم من ثانوية الخروب الجديدة ( قسنطينة ) و التي تحصلت على معدل 18.22 ثالث أكبر معدل على مستوى ولاية قسنطينة و حتى يستفيد الطلاب المقبلين على البكالوريات القادمة و خصوصا بكالوريا 2013 استغلينا فرصة تواصلنا مع لينة لنقل بعض تساؤلاتكم عليها و جاءت الإجابة من لينة و التي نضعها بين أيديكم في هذه الصفحة آملين أن تستفيدوا من تجربتها و نصائحها لعلكم تحذون حذوها و تحصلون على تقدير ممتاز في البكالوريا , نتمنى لكم الاستفادة و نتمنى للجميع التوفيق
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته هل يمكنك القيام بحوار مع الموقع الأول للدراسة في الجزائر حول تفوقك في بكالوريا 2012 ؟ بالطبع سيشرفني ذلك ٠ ******* To begin with, I’m really glad to have this exceptional opportunity and I hope that it will be beneficial for all new seniors.
How did you feel when you knew your average and did you expect that ? well it's a strange feeling between happiness , confusion and disappointment because i knew i could do better but at the same time i was thrilled when i got a phone call from the academy telling me that i'm one of those who are going to algiers in order to be lionized by the president. for the average, i knew i can get 18 since it was my GPA-semester average- but there is always moments of suspicions so i was just expecting that god's destiny will be realized and nothing else. |
تاريخ إجراء الحوار: 18 سبتمبر 2012
Can you summarize your academic carrer ?
my academic career was an amazing journey taught me that the mother is the key motivation for success since she's the one who implanted the hunger of learning, the fire ,and the passion of notability in me from my first term in primary school when i got 7,50/10 , surprising ha! ,but after that I’ve always gotten full marks and excellent averages and i graduated with 9.60/10 . the second phase of my academic life was the most decisive, it taught me that destiny is always hiding surprises for us at the next corner : i came at the first place in every semester all my middle school's four years with excellent averages 19 but i came second at my BEM exam with 18;58 ! well that particular moment was the main motivation to improve my skills and know more about myself , the inner me, and here the last detour before the Bac came , well in this phase i didn't really care about the marks as much as i cared about enjoying every drop of culture new information and moments of discussions with the teacher it was like a soul feeding for me not just marks and statistics that was always excellent and made me come at the first place every single term with the average between 18-19 but this time and thanks to god i continued my notability and i got 18,22 in my BAC exam.
How did you prepare for the BAC exam from the begining of the year ?
my BAC preparation was mostly like any other year, it was all about organizing my time since day one: I had a daily schedule of subjects I must revise for the next day, it included one scientific and two literary subjects, I balanced the time between them according to the coefficient and that was for four hours per day. of course I took a break between school and revision at home for two hours and a half .before the experimental bac exam, I revised all my lessons from the beginning of course and I focused on history and geography lessons in order to memorize them very well so they will be just axiomatic concepts for me which I can use as a base for the next month‘s revision. On the last month I took benefit from my resumes that I prepared all the yearlong for all subjects. for the scientific ones it’s not about solving millions of exercises which should be done since day one as it’s about solving small questions that touch every single topic and concept and that what I did because when you memorize the basics you can solve any exercise so choose them wisely! And for literary ones I tried to rebuild all my lessons by my own way specially philosophy and of course I tried to solve other experimental exams and the precedent years’ ones. so basically My strategy for the whole year was simple : grasping 90% of the lesson from the class and revising it at home so I get over the first stage and understand more and more about it because It wasn’t just a lesson for me it was soul feeding , essence of culture that will define my gains from 13 years of studies thus I didn’t think too much about the BAC exam as my colleges did, I stayed away from marks calculations and stress that dominated the class atmosphere and tried to enjoy my final year to the max because I realized that it’s the last time for me to study Arabic ,physics, philosophy and English academically it was the last time for me to have such beautiful atmosphere at the classroom …so I was trying to make it an unforgettable experience. And it really was.
How was your preparation in philosophy and arabic language ?
Actually Arabic and philosophy was my beautiful escape and relaxing heaven from all those calculations, analyses and numbers. I was fascinated with the idea of philosophy since my childhood but our program was really disappointing for me thus I always tried to meditate by myself in order to build my own philosophy about each lesson , of course I memorized the concepts ,the philosophers and their quotes but I never memorized the articles because I believed that there isn’t philosophy that could be taught all we can do is to philosophize so I translated that through my own articles and exposed them for my teacher to evaluate them and learn from my mistakes the next time. for Arabic , I consider it a journey to the past where I discovered our legacy of breathtaking poems and great articles where language wasn’t just a tool of communication but an art a very beautiful and strict art. So I tried to be the poet and understand what does he mean by every word and of course I memorized the rules of language and prepared most of the texts’ analysis that I considered a long version of the BAC subject, at the same time I was preparing resumes for all my lessons so that will be reference for me in tests exams and mainly the baccalaureate.
What can you say about additional lessons and do you advice pupils to follow these lessons ?
for additional lessons, and to be honest I didn’t feel that I needed them but I did them anyway (science mathematics and physics) as a fashion because everyone else was talking about that therefore they were a waste of time for me since I’m the kind of student that prefers to revise alone it’s a sort of meditation for me when I reconnect with myself and concentrate to the max so going to those classes was making me lose that concentration and lessen the time that I revise by myself . yet it wasn’t fully bad experience because sometimes they were really helpful specially exp sciences that I followed with all my classmates at my own school teacher mr slimani god bless him so we overtook the lesson phase straight to exercise phase all 3.30 hours long. Addressing to the new seniors, additional lessons are not fashion it’s related to the knowing your capabilities skills and personality : if you’re like me prefer to revise by yourself and that works well for you then I don’t recommend you to follow those lessons and if you’re the kind of student that prefers to revise collectively with the teacher repeat the same lessons and do other tasks in order to gain experience confidence and comfort facing tests thus additional lessons will perfectly suit you .
Did you have some difficulties in foreign languages ?
honestly I found no difficulty with French and English since I use them in my daily life ,in texting messages facebook and in writing my dairies so they became so automatic to me but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t care much for them on the contrary I prepared resumes of all lessons tables for key words and synonyms and reminders of essential tricks for better answers and writing (well let me give you one: to have a good mark in writing focus on your introduction and conclusion and include specific and important information in the body because the reader will only remember that you blowed his mind at the beginning and the end forgetting the small details of the body so you get a good mark )and of course I solved tests and previous bac exams.
What are the books and websites that were beneficial in your preparation ?
to tell you the truth I didn’t really use much books nor visited web sites (since I haven’t net connection during my studies ) except:
السامي في الفلسفة , المرجع في العلوم الطبيعية لحبيبة نقوب و الوجيز في الاجتماعيات لهشام كمال
because I believe that relying on so much books will make me lose concentration on the basics and give me excessive and contradictory information that can make me feel confused and more stressed besides the school book and the additional lessons’ resumes and tasks are more than sufficient when you pay them huge attention and discover every useful trick and information so you can be focused and gather your thoughts properly.
Did you stop going to school in the last trimester ?
let me tell you first that I’m totally against dropping school early because every single lesson count and every additional information given by the teacher is useful and those who listened to the rumors about the philosophy lesson liberty and responsibility are the best example for the consequences of this growing phenomenon so obviously I attended every lesson till the end.
How was your daily preparation , did you prefer revision at the night or in the morning ?
I’ve already talked before about my daily schedule and for my revision time I always preferred to revise at night because that gave me the illusion that I have plenty of time but sometimes and specially when I feel tired after coming from my additional classes at the evening I found it suitable for me to wake up early.
What are your reasons to choose medicine in the university ?
the answer is simple: I believe that medicine is the inspiration of all sciences, let me tell you why: just take the DNA, this microscopic molecule, and write all the information that you can find on it… well you can get a huge book of millions and millions of pages written in another language constituted of four letters A T C and G amazing! doesn’t it resemble the language of computers? Then go to the immunity system all those cells and mechanisms that defend our body. isn’t it like the antivirus? Go to the nervous system with all the mediums the cells the messages transmitted through neurons and synapses with high speed isn’t it an advanced internet? Go to muscles and its precise movements isn’t it mechanics go to proteins’ synthesis and structure isn’t it chemistry? then look at the whole body isn’t it a huge company managed by the brain designed by the DNA protected by the immunity system and its workers are the apparatuses the tissues the cells and the molecules…well all that makes my heart beats faster and faster it’s a breathtaking experience when you can only say “subhana allah” all those sciences’ are inspired from the human body, allah’s design and beautiful creature… this is my feeling when I study science at the classroom, when I watch” the doctors” on MBC4 and when I look to my body trying to discover myself this is my motivation this is my dream and this is my ambition… medicine.
What are your expectations in the future and do you have a desire to complete the study abroad ?
well my ambition has no limits therefore I want to choose a career that will be an endless learning process where I can discover new things so I want to dedicate my life to the medical researches field specially cancer and sida and as a researcher I follow every source of knowledge and if it is in foreign countries and it really is I’m ready to do that in order to benefit my country and honor Muslims.
What can you say about the trip to Turkey ?
Well it was a beautiful journey but lacks the social communication between the students from all over Algeria and of course Ramadan was not a really good timing for organizing it.
my academic career was an amazing journey taught me that the mother is the key motivation for success since she's the one who implanted the hunger of learning, the fire ,and the passion of notability in me from my first term in primary school when i got 7,50/10 , surprising ha! ,but after that I’ve always gotten full marks and excellent averages and i graduated with 9.60/10 . the second phase of my academic life was the most decisive, it taught me that destiny is always hiding surprises for us at the next corner : i came at the first place in every semester all my middle school's four years with excellent averages 19 but i came second at my BEM exam with 18;58 ! well that particular moment was the main motivation to improve my skills and know more about myself , the inner me, and here the last detour before the Bac came , well in this phase i didn't really care about the marks as much as i cared about enjoying every drop of culture new information and moments of discussions with the teacher it was like a soul feeding for me not just marks and statistics that was always excellent and made me come at the first place every single term with the average between 18-19 but this time and thanks to god i continued my notability and i got 18,22 in my BAC exam.
How did you prepare for the BAC exam from the begining of the year ?
my BAC preparation was mostly like any other year, it was all about organizing my time since day one: I had a daily schedule of subjects I must revise for the next day, it included one scientific and two literary subjects, I balanced the time between them according to the coefficient and that was for four hours per day. of course I took a break between school and revision at home for two hours and a half .before the experimental bac exam, I revised all my lessons from the beginning of course and I focused on history and geography lessons in order to memorize them very well so they will be just axiomatic concepts for me which I can use as a base for the next month‘s revision. On the last month I took benefit from my resumes that I prepared all the yearlong for all subjects. for the scientific ones it’s not about solving millions of exercises which should be done since day one as it’s about solving small questions that touch every single topic and concept and that what I did because when you memorize the basics you can solve any exercise so choose them wisely! And for literary ones I tried to rebuild all my lessons by my own way specially philosophy and of course I tried to solve other experimental exams and the precedent years’ ones. so basically My strategy for the whole year was simple : grasping 90% of the lesson from the class and revising it at home so I get over the first stage and understand more and more about it because It wasn’t just a lesson for me it was soul feeding , essence of culture that will define my gains from 13 years of studies thus I didn’t think too much about the BAC exam as my colleges did, I stayed away from marks calculations and stress that dominated the class atmosphere and tried to enjoy my final year to the max because I realized that it’s the last time for me to study Arabic ,physics, philosophy and English academically it was the last time for me to have such beautiful atmosphere at the classroom …so I was trying to make it an unforgettable experience. And it really was.
How was your preparation in philosophy and arabic language ?
Actually Arabic and philosophy was my beautiful escape and relaxing heaven from all those calculations, analyses and numbers. I was fascinated with the idea of philosophy since my childhood but our program was really disappointing for me thus I always tried to meditate by myself in order to build my own philosophy about each lesson , of course I memorized the concepts ,the philosophers and their quotes but I never memorized the articles because I believed that there isn’t philosophy that could be taught all we can do is to philosophize so I translated that through my own articles and exposed them for my teacher to evaluate them and learn from my mistakes the next time. for Arabic , I consider it a journey to the past where I discovered our legacy of breathtaking poems and great articles where language wasn’t just a tool of communication but an art a very beautiful and strict art. So I tried to be the poet and understand what does he mean by every word and of course I memorized the rules of language and prepared most of the texts’ analysis that I considered a long version of the BAC subject, at the same time I was preparing resumes for all my lessons so that will be reference for me in tests exams and mainly the baccalaureate.
What can you say about additional lessons and do you advice pupils to follow these lessons ?
for additional lessons, and to be honest I didn’t feel that I needed them but I did them anyway (science mathematics and physics) as a fashion because everyone else was talking about that therefore they were a waste of time for me since I’m the kind of student that prefers to revise alone it’s a sort of meditation for me when I reconnect with myself and concentrate to the max so going to those classes was making me lose that concentration and lessen the time that I revise by myself . yet it wasn’t fully bad experience because sometimes they were really helpful specially exp sciences that I followed with all my classmates at my own school teacher mr slimani god bless him so we overtook the lesson phase straight to exercise phase all 3.30 hours long. Addressing to the new seniors, additional lessons are not fashion it’s related to the knowing your capabilities skills and personality : if you’re like me prefer to revise by yourself and that works well for you then I don’t recommend you to follow those lessons and if you’re the kind of student that prefers to revise collectively with the teacher repeat the same lessons and do other tasks in order to gain experience confidence and comfort facing tests thus additional lessons will perfectly suit you .
Did you have some difficulties in foreign languages ?
honestly I found no difficulty with French and English since I use them in my daily life ,in texting messages facebook and in writing my dairies so they became so automatic to me but it doesn’t mean that I didn’t care much for them on the contrary I prepared resumes of all lessons tables for key words and synonyms and reminders of essential tricks for better answers and writing (well let me give you one: to have a good mark in writing focus on your introduction and conclusion and include specific and important information in the body because the reader will only remember that you blowed his mind at the beginning and the end forgetting the small details of the body so you get a good mark )and of course I solved tests and previous bac exams.
What are the books and websites that were beneficial in your preparation ?
to tell you the truth I didn’t really use much books nor visited web sites (since I haven’t net connection during my studies ) except:
السامي في الفلسفة , المرجع في العلوم الطبيعية لحبيبة نقوب و الوجيز في الاجتماعيات لهشام كمال
because I believe that relying on so much books will make me lose concentration on the basics and give me excessive and contradictory information that can make me feel confused and more stressed besides the school book and the additional lessons’ resumes and tasks are more than sufficient when you pay them huge attention and discover every useful trick and information so you can be focused and gather your thoughts properly.
Did you stop going to school in the last trimester ?
let me tell you first that I’m totally against dropping school early because every single lesson count and every additional information given by the teacher is useful and those who listened to the rumors about the philosophy lesson liberty and responsibility are the best example for the consequences of this growing phenomenon so obviously I attended every lesson till the end.
How was your daily preparation , did you prefer revision at the night or in the morning ?
I’ve already talked before about my daily schedule and for my revision time I always preferred to revise at night because that gave me the illusion that I have plenty of time but sometimes and specially when I feel tired after coming from my additional classes at the evening I found it suitable for me to wake up early.
What are your reasons to choose medicine in the university ?
the answer is simple: I believe that medicine is the inspiration of all sciences, let me tell you why: just take the DNA, this microscopic molecule, and write all the information that you can find on it… well you can get a huge book of millions and millions of pages written in another language constituted of four letters A T C and G amazing! doesn’t it resemble the language of computers? Then go to the immunity system all those cells and mechanisms that defend our body. isn’t it like the antivirus? Go to the nervous system with all the mediums the cells the messages transmitted through neurons and synapses with high speed isn’t it an advanced internet? Go to muscles and its precise movements isn’t it mechanics go to proteins’ synthesis and structure isn’t it chemistry? then look at the whole body isn’t it a huge company managed by the brain designed by the DNA protected by the immunity system and its workers are the apparatuses the tissues the cells and the molecules…well all that makes my heart beats faster and faster it’s a breathtaking experience when you can only say “subhana allah” all those sciences’ are inspired from the human body, allah’s design and beautiful creature… this is my feeling when I study science at the classroom, when I watch” the doctors” on MBC4 and when I look to my body trying to discover myself this is my motivation this is my dream and this is my ambition… medicine.
What are your expectations in the future and do you have a desire to complete the study abroad ?
well my ambition has no limits therefore I want to choose a career that will be an endless learning process where I can discover new things so I want to dedicate my life to the medical researches field specially cancer and sida and as a researcher I follow every source of knowledge and if it is in foreign countries and it really is I’m ready to do that in order to benefit my country and honor Muslims.
What can you say about the trip to Turkey ?
Well it was a beautiful journey but lacks the social communication between the students from all over Algeria and of course Ramadan was not a really good timing for organizing it.
What can you advice pupils who will pass the Bac exam ?
to the new seniors I have one advise don’t you ever forget about the passion lying inside your hearts that love fire and enthusiasm for studies , forget about the numbers because what really matters Is what you gained from your academic career and that what will define you as a person so try to enjoy every drop of knowledge to the max set a goal and do your best to fulfill it and always say :”I can do that and I will “and believe me the results will be excellent nchallah because the passion is your fuel when you feel tired exhausted and depressed it’s the key of success so good luck and remember “when you believe in god nothing is impossible “. في الأخير نشكر لينة على إجاباتها الرائعة و المفصلة و نأمل أن يستفيد الطلاب المقبلين على البكالوريا من نصائحها و تجربتها حتى يحققوا المعدلات التي يطمحون لها
تمنياتنا للينة بالتوفيق في الجامعة و تخصص الطب و تمنياتنا لطلابنا الأعزاء بالنجاح و التفوق و التميز |
حفل تكريم المتفوقين في بكالوريا 2012
روابط ذات صلة
ـ حوارات مع المتفوقين في البكالوريا ـ موقع الثالثة ثانوي للتحضير للبكالوريا ـ قائمة المتفوقين بكالوريا 2012 ـ اختيارات بعض المتفوقين في بكالوريا 2012 |